Referencing Guidelines

The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor website and all associated products, including reports, visualizations (e.g., graphics/maps/charts), datasets, and website content, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence (CC BY 4.0). This means you are free to share, copy, redistribute, remix, transform, and build upon our work for any purpose, even commercially, as long as you give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. The below sections outline the recommended referencing guidelines by product. 


Please include the following information in your citation:

  • Author: GEOGLAM Crop Monitor

  • Date: (YYYY, Month)

  • Title #1: Title of report

  • Title #2: Title of section if applicable

  • Report version number and page(s) if applicable: (No. XX, pp. XX-XX)

  • URL: Direct or embedded URL link to report

  • License with URL: Licensed under CC BY 4.0

  • Changes made: Description of changes made if applicable

APA Template: GEOGLAM Crop Monitor. (YYYY, Month). Title of Report: Title of Section (No. XX, pp. XX). Link to report. Licensed under CC BY 4.0. Changes made: Description of changes made if applicable.

APA Example: GEOGLAM Crop Monitor. (2024, June). Crop Monitor for Early Warning: Southern Africa (No. 94, pp. 10-11). Link to report. Licensed under CC BY 4.0

Graphics (Maps, Charts, & Other Visualizations)

Please include the following information in your citation:

  • Author: GEOGLAM Crop Monitor

  • Date: (YYYY, Month DD)

  • Title #1: Title of graphic

  • Title #2: Title of associated report/product/tool if applicable

  • Report version number and page(s) if applicable: (No. XX, pp. XX-XX)

  • URL: Direct or embedded URL link to associated report/tool

  • License with URL: Licensed under CC BY 4.0

  • Changes made: Description of changes made if applicable

APA Template: Author. (YYYY, Month DD). Title of graphic. Title of associated report/product/tool. Link to associated report/product/tool. Licensed under CC BY 4.0. Changes made: Description of changes made if applicable.

APA Example #1: GEOGLAM Crop Monitor. (2024, June 28). Africa Synthesis Map. Crop Monitor for Early Warning (No. 95, p. 2). Link to report. Licensed under CC BY 4.0. Changes made: Removed crop icons. 

APA Example #2: GEOGLAM Crop Monitor. (2024, July 7). Los Rios (South, Chile) Winter Wheat 2024. AGMET EO Indicators. Link to tool. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.

APA Example #3: GEOGLAM Crop Monitor. (2024, July 4). Crop comparison graphic. Global Crop Monitor (No. 23, p. 1). Link to report. Licensed under CC BY 4.0. Changes made: Only used visualization for wheat.


Please include the following information:

  • Author: GEOGLAM Crop Monitor

  • Date: (YYYY, Month)

  • Title: Title of dataset

  • Type: Type of dataset

  • URL: Direct or embedded URL link to dataset

  • License with URL: Licensed under CC BY 4.0

  • Changes made: Description of changes made if applicable

APA Template: Author. (YYYY, Month). Title of dataset [Type of dataset]. Link to dataset. Licensed under CC BY 4.0Changes made: Description of changes made if applicable.

APA Example: GEOGLAM Crop Monitor. (2024, March). GEOGLAM Crop Monitor Sorghum Conditions 2024 03 [ArcGIS Online Tile Layer]. Link to dataset. Licensed under CC BY 4.0Changes made: Changed legend colours.

Website Content

Please include the following information:

  • Author: GEOGLAM Crop Monitor

  • Date: (YYYY) -> use current year

  • Title #1: Title of web page

  • Title #2: Title of web page section if applicable

  • URL: Direct or embedded URL link to web page

  • License with URL: Licensed under CC BY 4.0

  • Changes made: Description of changes made if applicable

APA Template: Author. (YYYY). Title of webpage: Title of web page section. Link to web page. Licensed under CC BY 4.0Changes made: Description of changes made if applicable

APA Example: GEOGLAM Crop Monitor. (2024). EO Data: Precipitation. Link to web page. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.